Sunday, September 23, 2007

Welcome to P.H.A.T. Idaho!

We’re excited to be starting this blog on behalf of public health efforts in the state of Idaho. As students of public health, we’ve seen a need for a centralized place to discuss and promote public health in Idaho. So much of the information we receive on a daily basis is about national and international public health efforts. Finding up-to-date information about what’s going on in Idaho is a little harder. It’s our hope that this blog will not only help to build a clearer picture of the public health happenings in Idaho, but will foster a discussion of how national and international topics of interest affect us locally.

The best part about creating this “clearinghouse” of information in blog format is that you can be a contributor, too. Take time to comment on our posts and build on the ideas presented here. Tell your friends about P.H.A.T. Idaho. And email us at with ideas for future posts, upcoming events, or new publications that you think are of interest to Idahoans tracking the public health scene.

Carrie & Kate